Thursday, 30 June 2011

Finding a Job in Pakistan vs starting own business

Pakistan is one of the most special countries of the world. Pakistan has many special features, and i familiarized with some of them after my graduation last year.
In my School and college my teachers (most of them) told us that Pakistan is the Castle of Islam and it is a heaven on the earth and other things like that. So as a result when i done with my college studies i have a very good impression about Pakistan and Pakistanis and i thought that i will get a job as soon as i submit my CV. But ahhhhhhhhhhhh................
This is a very sad story, i have posted my cv's to thousands of organizations. I had also applied for some government  jobs but invain, i never received a call from any good firm or company. I do receive some call from some companies and was there for interviews but i don't why they never selected me , may be the reason is that i am a human not a computer.
And most of the companies want computic humans to follow there dictations as there slaves.
The thing which depressed me  most is my interviews where i performed very well, i think during some interviews i was the topper But i was the only one who didn't get the job. That night was horribly long for me one i got to know that i was the only one who didn't get that job and also that i was the one, the top scorer.

After that night i decided to not to give any damn test or interviews again.
And start thinking of my own business and guys you know what it takes only one month, and now i am a proud owner of my own business  and i have also hired 5 assistants to assist me.
So it is just amazing that i was finding a job and giving interviews some days back and now i am the one hiring people.
I heard alot about USA that USA is the land of opportunities. But i think that Pakistan is the best country in the world to start you own business. Just Like 1,2,3 and the business starts.

Finding a job is Very Difficut in Pakistan

Usama Bin Laden's Death and My thourghts

Yesterday night i was just thinking that the biggest threat to the Americans has died know. In fact, he died a month ago. We all have seen the World's only super power violating all the international laws of borders and request and did a grand operation in Abbottabad, a very successful operation on the land of the one of the front line allies, closed the chapter of  Usama-bin-laden.
  But nothing has changed, i was looking arround thinking that may be now America is going to show some marcey on ower Tribel areas as we are there allies, but no. The frequecy of drone attackeds is increasing day by day. And it lookes like, after some time an year or so, India is also going to do the same. Because the Miltary Power of Pakistan is exposed badly during the Usama Operation.

Let us take a short tour of history. Every body know that about 9/11 and and the speach of President Bush. But i have some questions in my mind. America suffered with the colatoral damage of approximately 3000-4000 lives, you know 3000-4000 and can any body tell me how many people died during this war against terror.
There millions of people who died and crippled. What about there secrity. What about there protection.USA intiated this war because USA wants to make sure that incidents like that wouldn't happed again. But USA never thought about the people of Afghanistan, never about the peoples of Pakistan and Iraq. Because he dont have any concern with them.
I somebody kills an inocent it is terrorism. And if that "somebody" is wearing Amarican or NATO army uniform then it is called war agaisnt terrorism.
I fedup rather bored of hearing that Paksitan is an allie of America. USA should rather say that Paksitan is Slave of USA or a paid servent. I will suddenly dont mind that. Because i know that is true.
Coming back to Usama Bin Laden, i never seen him before my eyes, i never heard him not even on youtube or any new channel. I dont know a lot about what was his thinking. But one thing i know is that Usama was just person doing some indivdual acts to protect his country's resources from The USA and now , he is dead. But he left something for everybody. And i am afraid that in the future most of the Pakistani youngster who hate USA due to his policies are going to adopt the same Path. Becasue the youngster want to save Their Country's recourses From America.